Energy Tip 101

Hey, Jodie! Did you know a simple few minutes of a vacuum over your floors can change the energy of your home or space? Even a broom. Brushing or sucking up the dirt and debris that gets caught on our floors is an extension of what gets caught up in our energy fields...

Can I talk to you?

If you are receiving this email it’s because along the way you have shown some interest in energy clearing and my work. You may have already heard but if you didn’t, we are opening the doors to this year’s spring clearing class- Cut the Clutter...

Can we talk about Simone Biles

Can we just talk about Self care and Simone Biles- First of all the stress she is under to preform for the entire world in the Olympics as the G.O.A.T- Greatest of All Time. Expected to win. A tremendous athlete by age 24. Tapped out for Mental Health reasons. I have...

New Moon Energy!

New Moon: Fertility- creativity- setting intentions- extra energy- manifestation. 0 percent illumination   Do you know about the New moon? It often affects us energetically as much as the Full moon, but most people don’t pay as much attention to the New moon as...

Excuse me, is your energy leaking?

Is your energy leaking? This has been a conversation piece in the last several weeks for me. I am hearing about it everywhere! Energy leaks! Its not something common or something people think about all that often until its brought to the surface. Something happens and...

Stay in the loop

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Release the old, recharge your soul, and step into renewed power with this FREE event on March 19th at 7pm CST.

Are you coming?🙂🥰