by Angela LaVigne | Mar 7, 2022 | Energy
Hey, Jodie! Did you know a simple few minutes of a vacuum over your floors can change the energy of your home or space? Even a broom. Brushing or sucking up the dirt and debris that gets caught on our floors is an extension of what gets caught up in our energy fields...
by Jodie | May 30, 2012 | Intuition
Feel your way through life. When I give workshops on intuition I am totally in my zone. I love it. The trick is spirit doesn’t always tell me what we are doing ahead of time! I have had to really work on letting things go before a class and allowing the information to...
by Jodie | May 30, 2012 | Karma, Past Life
One of my favorite stories is a woman I met in the cities. She came to me because she was making the decision to leave her husband. They had been having a very tough time. She was seeing someone else and had been very confused by the whole connection and that she was...
by Jodie | May 29, 2012 | Intuition, Karma, Spirit Guides
The name of my blog came to me after a chance meeting that wasn’t really chance at all! I had lunch with an old friend and she had been telling me about this great woman she knew that she felt I should meet at some point. After a few days I was in a store I had not...