Karma Clearing – Past life

One of my favorite stories is a woman I met in the cities. She came to me because she was making the decision to leave her husband. They had been having a very tough time. She was seeing someone else and had been very confused by the whole connection and that she was even in that situation. She felt it was some past life connection and wanted to explore it further.

We went into the session and she was shown a lifetime that both men were connected to her and fighting over her. The details were so similar to her present life. Each moment became more clear as to why things were happening the way they were happening in this present lifetime.

The best part of the session was when her husband showed her in that past lifetime what love really felt like. It was one of the most magical moments of my career. I knew in that moment she would not be leaving him and they would stay married.

She came out of the session very quiet. She finally said…. I don’t think I am leaving him! I said I know… I had the opportunity to chat with him the next night at a garden gathering and he said thank you for bringing my wife back to me. He was one of the sweetest guys I had ever met. He was truly grateful his wife was going to allow him to love her now. To this day they are still happily married.


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