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Moving Through Energy Challenge

Those of you that know me know how much I love my work! 2012 has been a wild ride already and we have only just begun! I am seeing a lot of challenges coming up fast and furious for people and wanted everyone to know I have been in that spot and have worked my way through it with lots of help and support! I wanted to talk a little about that piece of moving through the energy when its so challenging.

Now in my ..ahem… challenging moments I am not the easiest person to be around. ( I know, I know hard to imagine!) I have learned a lot of techniques in my last 5 or more years to work with how I present myself when I am rolling in challenge. Just for fun I put together a little list.

Here are some signs that you are JUST about to breakthrough….

1: You get sick- this was a biggie for me- I was sick for four months one time until I decided not to be

2: Everything around you starts to break- I call this upgrading – appliances- computers- cars- pretty much all the things that bring you convenience and comfort- see the symbology to get out of your comfort zone!

3: Friends and family around you start to think you are “Crazy” or keep pushing you to stay the same as you are

4: Friends start dropping away- TOUGH one for all of us- but sometimes you need to just step away for a while as you grow and give them space to grow too.

5: Your body changes- gain or lose weight- again the deeper I dove into my junk the heavier I became-I see it now as I was really working on protecting myself from being vulnerable – this year I am taking steps to really shift that! Sometimes it’s the opposite- you may really get your body in great shape to show how healthy and strong you are- Body changes mean something is changing

6: You get really angry and SWEAR a lot! I love this one myself- I have a potty mouth at times and a breakthrough gives me permission to go there! I have a friend that we swear on the phone to each other like truckers and love every minute of it- then pull ourselves together to be our professional selves when out in public!

We have many others signs of a breakthrough- as well as lots of catch phrases as we are moving through it- The phrases used to drive me crazy but now that I get why they are said and I use them all the time myself. We joke about them often to each other and add a few colorful words just to fluff them up a bit.

2012 is so much about stepping into our own and working through our shadows. But to do this you may need some support. In fact for all those lone rangers out in the world that think they can do this work by themselves I will tell you in my opinion you cant. Support is needed when looking at all this junk we want to let go of. Again that is my opinion and I have tried the do it myself route and its just plain painful. It can be painful even with support but just knowing others have gone through the fire and have made it out makes a big difference in your journey. You can get this support in so many ways! Think outside the box and follow your gut on how to create that support system. I find that outside sources work best for me. I have taken lots of classes, joined groups, tried things way out of my comfort zone and did a lot of things by myself that were quite challenging. I have also met some wonderful teachers, mentors, friends and lifelong allies through this practice.

You may also want to create a plan. I have 9 wonderful women in a class right now that are doing just that. Some of them were admittedly lost and had no idea where to start. The intentional living class is a perfect place as it gives you a place to start and a place to move. I have another starting up shortly so if you just need a place to start I would suggest that class! Its very powerful and creates a map to where you’re going.

Also don’t forget to have some fun! I will be offering some of my Wonderment Series classes and encourage those who just wanna have fun to come join us!


We shift and move and roll around each day trying to find our way. Lets have some fun together and make this a team effort! Learn the rules of the universe and watch how fast you start to live the life you want and create the amazing results you’re wishing for. It can be done! I am living proof! I have come up with several gatherings that can help support you in many ways! If you feel guided please come join us!

The Wonderment of Angels and Guides

This is one of my favorite classes to teach. I still remember when I first met a spirit guide for the first time. It was a bit more intense then I ever thought it would be. I was taken through a meditation and through the fog was able to meet him. His name is Gabriel. It was as though I could almost touch him… I was told that we had been married in another life and that he missed the physical connection we had. He had been waiting a long time for me to reconnect to him and understand that he was always with me. I will never forget that next week how I could still physically feel his presence. I call on him all the time and can connect with his energy quite easily once I was taught how.

The other part of that story was a few years prior…A psychic had told me my guides name was Gabriel. I didn’t think much of it cause she also told me I would be doing her type of work someday! Ya right I thought she is a bit nuts. She is a good friend today and I we laugh about that story. Anyway… I went back to my office and as soon as I walked in the phone rang.. I answered.. they asked for Renee my co-worker. Yes she is here can I ask who is calling? A pause…. Its Gabriel. I almost fell off my chair! I said a little to loudly who!! Who is this! He again said its Gabriel.. a client of Renee.

I knew it was a validation and I also knew it was real. It just took me a few more years to understand.

When I teach this class I hear stories like this often. I see the tears of connection and the smiles and relief of knowing they are not alone. I have had people show up with guides that are angels. Loved ones, ducks, frogs, cats and even trees!

A client once came out of the meditation on a stormy night and said oh my god my guide is this huge beautiful weeping willow. I immediately thought of my friend Wes and his gorgeous willow in his yard. The next morning he texted me and said he had lost his weeping willow tree in the storms the night before. I assured him it was ok and I knew who was keeping it safe for him! He totally understood he was complete with the tree and it needed to hold space for someone else. He is just that type of guy! It was amazing for all of us involved.

Dear Spirit

The name of my blog came to me after a chance meeting that wasn’t really chance at all! I had lunch with an old friend and she had been telling me about this great woman she knew that she felt I should meet at some point. After a few days I was in a store I had not stopped into for a while and she had been showing me some new marketing ideas she had and new logo and all these great new plans for the store. I asked who had helped her and of course it turned out to be the same woman my other friend had told me about!

I have started working out again and that week had a workout scheduled on Thursday. I was on one of the machines chatting with a fun girl next to me. We seam to have the same thoughts about a workout. Not really our favorite thing but we might as well have fun. She asked my name and I said Jodie, she asked what I did and I said I was a psychic. She almost yelled ..”Oh my god are you Jodie Harvala!”

Yaa A little piece of me really likes to hear that type of response I do admit! J

I laughed and said yes who are you? I am Melissa! I have been hearing about you all week from my friends! I laughed and said are you kidding me I have been hearing about you all week from my friends!

A new friendship started in that moment. We are quite obnoxious during our workouts but we have fun. It turns out that Melissa is a lot more psychic then she thinks. She jokes and says things like “Well MY inner psychic says you should ……..” and I listen because I know it’s the reason we were meant to meet.
That day we went to chat after our workout and after hearing about my work she had TONS of great ideas as well as made me promise to start a blog. She was ADAMANT that I needed to write more and that I needed to start TODAY. So she made me promise that I would go home and write a bit today. I did and out of the time spent writing a nice little title came about in my head and said that I it would be a great name for my blog. Dear Spirit…..

Very fitting don’t you think!

What’s your relationship to your intuition?

WOW! This was a question I was asked this week as I sat down with a woman I knew I needed to chat with for the last 3 years. I have wanted to sit and talk with Echo Bodine for a long time now. I knew she would have some wise words to share with me although I had no idea what the subject matter would be about.

As we chatted I was so excited to ask a million questions but what happened was I kept my mouth shut and let her share some stories that allowed me to learn a million things within a short time. Her stories taught me so much about my own path as well as the path she had taken. The power of stories still stands!

Then she stopped and looked at me and said sooo …”What’s your relationship to your intuition?”

The question for some reason surprised me! I have been telling people all year this year is so much about relationships- but I never thought to include the relationship you have with your intuition. It was such a great question! I have a pretty darn good one but have noticed since my car accident in February that I allow myself to open up to it more and get quite more often and sit with it and listen to it more carefully then I have in the past. I am usually running a million miles an hour and kind of sort of listen. She laughed and reminded me to stay out of my head and in my heart. A sentence I have said a hundred times to clients as well.

She reminded me to follow my heart and follow the guidance I get. Shift when I need to and stand strong when I need to. One of the many great things she taught me in our short time together. I wont go into all the details but I have a sense one of the reasons I sat with her is to hear the story of when she first wrote her books. Lets just say that mantra I keep saying about my book being a best seller is starting to get closer and closer! J

Another woman I have worked a lot with in my growth is Sunny Dawn Johnston. She is an amazing teacher, Psychic/Medium and all around amazing person.

She will be joining us here in Fargo and also in Grand Forks in the next couple weeks!

Due to some schedule changes and overwhelming response to her classes we have made a few changes in the line up of the evenings.

Grand Forks will now be holding TWO events…Thursday May 17th and Friday May 18th! 7:00 Pm at The Twelve Houses in Grand Forks.

This means the Friday night Gallery will not be held here in Fargo. Those of you who signed up I will be contacting you to refund or if you wish move your fee over to the Wed night event here in Fargo.

We will be holding her event on Wednesday May 23rd here in Fargo at the Homewood Suites in North Fargo! Please see details below……

Don’t forget to ponder this week….what is your relationship to your intuition!