The Wonderment of Angels and Guides

This is one of my favorite classes to teach. I still remember when I first met a spirit guide for the first time. It was a bit more intense then I ever thought it would be. I was taken through a meditation and through the fog was able to meet him. His name is Gabriel. It was as though I could almost touch him… I was told that we had been married in another life and that he missed the physical connection we had. He had been waiting a long time for me to reconnect to him and understand that he was always with me. I will never forget that next week how I could still physically feel his presence. I call on him all the time and can connect with his energy quite easily once I was taught how.

The other part of that story was a few years prior…A psychic had told me my guides name was Gabriel. I didn’t think much of it cause she also told me I would be doing her type of work someday! Ya right I thought she is a bit nuts. She is a good friend today and I we laugh about that story. Anyway… I went back to my office and as soon as I walked in the phone rang.. I answered.. they asked for Renee my co-worker. Yes she is here can I ask who is calling? A pause…. Its Gabriel. I almost fell off my chair! I said a little to loudly who!! Who is this! He again said its Gabriel.. a client of Renee.

I knew it was a validation and I also knew it was real. It just took me a few more years to understand.

When I teach this class I hear stories like this often. I see the tears of connection and the smiles and relief of knowing they are not alone. I have had people show up with guides that are angels. Loved ones, ducks, frogs, cats and even trees!

A client once came out of the meditation on a stormy night and said oh my god my guide is this huge beautiful weeping willow. I immediately thought of my friend Wes and his gorgeous willow in his yard. The next morning he texted me and said he had lost his weeping willow tree in the storms the night before. I assured him it was ok and I knew who was keeping it safe for him! He totally understood he was complete with the tree and it needed to hold space for someone else. He is just that type of guy! It was amazing for all of us involved.


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