a brand-new spirit school experience opens this february.

With the newly revamped Spirit School, your Spiritual journey is about to take a transformative leap forward! Spirit School has grown in 2024 to include more support, more ways to connect to Spirit, and more ways to grow. If having increased ambition & drive to show up for yourself, having fun while learning how to use your innate intutitive gifts, and growing as a person and Spiritual being alongside a community where you truly feel welcomed and supported is at top of your list of must-haves for 2024, Spirit School is exactly where you need to be.

Introducing the brand-new Spirit School!

Monday Meditation Meet-Up to help you start your week off strong & centered.
Monthly Masterclasses to keep you growing mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Journal & Burn Portal for torching your negative energy whenever you need it.
New Zoom Breakout Rooms for intuition-building exercises in a supportive small-group setting.
Monthly New Moon Group Clearing Ritual for Spirit School members ONLY.

Group Mentoring Sessions* each month for support & accountability.
*available only with the Spirit School Group Coaching plan. Click here to explore both plans.

Introducing the brand-new Spirit School!

Monday Meditation Meet-Up to help you start your week off strong & centered.
Monthly Masterclasses to keep you growing mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Journal & Burn Portal for torching your negative energy whenever you need it.
New Zoom Breakout Rooms for intuition-building exercises in a supportive small-group setting.
Monthly New Moon Group Clearing Ritual for Spirit School members ONLY.
Group Mentoring Sessions* each month for support & accountability.
*available only with the Spirit School Group Coaching plan. Click here to explore both plans.

welcome to exactly where you’re meant to be.

For over 5 years, I have dreamed of having a community where women can learn about Spirit – and themselves – in a safe, fun, supportive, and magical atmosphere. I’m happy to announce that the doors to that community are now open! 

If you’re being called to start your Spiritual journey, Spirit School is exactly where you’re meant to be.

welcome to exactly where you’re meant to be.

For over 5 years, I have dreamed of having a community where women can learn about Spirit – and themselves – in a safe, fun, supportive, and magical atmosphere. I’m happy to announce that the doors to that community are now open! 

If you’re being called to start your Spiritual journey, Spirit School is exactly where you’re meant to be.

Introducing Spirit School Coaching

Welcome to the Group Coaching Classroom, a new path within Spirit School.

With the brand-new Group Coaching Classroom in Spirit School, you’ll get extra support, designed around your unique situation and goals.

The brand-new Group Coaching Classroom in Spirit School offers a unique and transformative experience for personal growth and collective learning. Designed to cater to individuals seeking both self-improvement and communal support, the program emphasizes collaborative learning, where participants can share experiences, challenges, and insights. This setting fosters a sense of community and belonging, enabling members to learn from each other’s perspectives.

Ragnar Content 2

Consistent group mentoring also creates accountability and motivation. It’s a promise that you are making to yourself to show up for yourself, and for your fellow group members. If you have been feeling stuck in your life and wondering what your next step should be, group coaching is exactly where you need to be.

The Spirit School Group Coaching Classroom is available in select plans.  To choose your spirit school plan, click here.

live group mentoring calls each month

You’ll get two live Zoom calls each month where you can ask questions, get guidance, and listen to the journies of your fellow group members.

private mighty networks community

You’ll have a dedicated, private platform accessible only to other group coaching members where you can share your homework, get feedback, and make new spiritual friends.

heaven-sent homework

You’ll get additional homework and activities to do, as guided, designed  around your unique focuses, goals, and life.  This is geared towards challenging you and helping to facilitate your growth.

Another Exciting change - Two ways to join Spirit School!

Spirit School has grown to provide you even more support each month. With the creation of the Spirit School Group Mentoring Classroom, Spirit School students now have the option to add group mentoring each month for extra support.

Spirit School

Exclusive spiritual community

Sign up for the original Spirit School and get access to:

  • 6 recorded video lessons
  • Private Mighty Networks community
  • Weekly Monday Meditation Meet-up
  • A new Masterclass each month
  • Journal & Burn portal
  • Live Journal & Burn ritual each month
  • Monthly New Moon group clearing ritual
  • PLUS all your bonuses

Sign up for original Spirit School now for $97/month

Cancel hassle-free anytime through Jodie’s team or the Mighty Networks app.


Spirit School with Group Mentoring

Exclusive spiritual community + monthly group mentoring

Sign up for Spirit School with Group Coaching and get access to:

  • Everything in the original Spirit School
  • Access to the brand-new Spirit School Group Mentoring Classroom where you’ll get two 90-minute group mentoring sessions each month for extra accountability and support.
  • PLUS a private Mighty Networks community, exclusive to Spirit School Group Coaching subscribers.

Sign up for Spirit School with Group Coaching now for $197/month

Cancel hassle-free anytime through Jodie’s team or the Mighty Networks app.

Figuring out how your spiritual life fits into your "regular" life can feel insurmountable.

you may find yourself feeling…

spiritually stuck

You may feel like you were not born with Spiritual gifts, or do not know how to use them effectively.

information overload

You may feel like there’s too much information out there and unclear on how to find what speaks to you.

out of touch

You may be feeling lost, alone, or unsure on how to find your way in the Spiritual world.


You may feel like no one understands you, that your gifts are “weird”, or that magic has no place in your adult life (so not true, by the way!)

a muddled mindset

You may have difficulties focusing on the positive, have repeating negative stories on loop in your mind, or find yourself losing your ambition.


Some days you’re on top of the world, accomplishing all the things, other days you feel like you can barely pull yourself together. The lack of consistency is showing throughout your entire life.

No matter what brought you here, you walked into this classroom for a reason. You’re being called to start your spiritual journey, and Spirit School might just be exactly what you need.

spirit school is right for you if…

you're a spiritual newbie

You have little to no experience with all things spiritual. You have an interest but haven’t done much work on your own. You may still be searching for what truly speaks to your soul and have dabbled in many practices without much focus. You want someone who can take you by the hand and help you forge your very own path.

you've lost your way

You have a good bit of experience in the spiritual world and may even have an established practice. But lately, you’ve been feeling like something is missing. You feel disconnected and even a bit overwhelmed. You know you need to return to yourself, but you need help to stop overcomplicating things and to get out of your own way.

you're a student of life

You might have had an interest in spiritual things for a long time, or this may be a new pursuit for you. Either way, you’re open to a new experience and wherever the journey may take you. Your curiosity and willingness to learn have been calling to you and you’re ready to answer.

Get comfortable working with spirit

I’ll take you through the basics of what Spirit is, how Spirit works with and through you, and how you are uniquely wired to receive your information from Spirit. Together we will build your strong spiritual foundation that will serve you in every aspect of your life.

Challenge & overcome your fears

Together we’ll walk through the fear and uncertainty behind working with Spirit and challenge the myths and preconceived notions head-on. You’ll also learn how to create your how sacred space and assemble your own team of spiritual protectors for extra support from above.

Bring spirit & magic into your life

I’ll teach my tried and true methods for creating a spiritual practice that becomes second nature to you in no time. You’ll have access to some of my favorite tools for calling in your angels, clearing your home, developing your intuition, and more, all designed to fit into your busy life.  

Working through the Fear

Identifying and conquering your fears of working with Spirit.

Connect with Spirit

Learn your unique way of communicating with Spirit.

Get Heavenly Support

Meet your angels and guides and learn how to call in their support.

Off to the Other Side

Learn the basics of mediumship and communicating with loved ones who have passed.

Space Clearing

Learn how energy works, how it affects you, and how your entire household can benefit from routine energy clearing.

Your Next Stage

Receive continued education and learn your unique next steps on your spiritual path.

What's happening in Spirit School?

In addition to your six video lessons, each month we have a masterclass based on a wide range of spiritual topics.  Here’s what to look forward to over the next 3 months in Spirit School…

Intention & Focus

January Masterclass
Get anchored into the energy of the new year and create a life you truly enjoy with this masterclass. You’ll learn how to spend your time – and energy -wisely, meaning a big boost in productivity and focus and way less running around in circles.

Fearless February

February Masterclass
Let’s get the bullshit turned inside out! With this masterclass, you’ll be tackling fear headon. Together we will shine a light on the shadows so you can start living a much lighter, happier, fearless life.

Mindset March

March Masterclass
We’re tackling your mindset in March, getting to the heart of the stories you replay in your mind each day. You’ll learn how to finetune your mindset and align it with your goals.

extra support each and every month

Each month you’ll get extra support to help you harness the power of the moon in your life. Your goodies will include:

Six Recorded Videos

the Spiritual School foundational video series

Start your transformative journey with the foundation Spirit School videos. Lessons include working through fear, learning how to communicate with Spirit, meeting your angel team and spirit guides, the basics of energy clearing, and more.

Private Communit Access

exclusive Mighty Networks community

Get support, ask questions, and build invaluable friendships alongside your fellow Spirit School members. Our welcoming Mighty Networks space offers a supportive environment where you can come together to share experiences, share knowledge, and uplift and empower one another.

Monday Meditation Meet-up

live weekly via Zoom

Get into the vibe of your week with the new Monday Meditation Meet-up hosted by Jodie Harvala. This invigorating 15-minute meditation session is designed to help you find inner peace and focus, all while nurturing a consistent meditation practice. 

New Moon Clearing Ritual

live Zoom ritual each month

Discover what the stars have to say about you! In this mini-guide, you’ll get an overview of your zodiac signs power traits, challenges, and areas for growth.

Monthly Masterclasses

new classes each month

Summon the magic of the moon all month long with this monthly power card. Designed in the image of the moon theme for each month and infused with the month’s power words, this card makes a great addition to your altar or sacred space.

Monthly Group Mentoring

two group mentoring sessions each month

Join me live on Zoom on the Full Moon each month for a powerful energy clearing session. Together we will harness the power of the moon, release, and rejuvenate while creating a solid foundation for the month ahead.

Journal & Burn Digital Portal

digital website portal access

Learn more about the moon each month with this monthly mood guide. This guide includes the theme of the Full Moon each month, the spiritual meaning behind each moon, and how you can invoke the power of the moon into your daily life with quick & easy rituals.

Live Journal & Burn Ritual

live throughout the month on Zoom

Get channeled affirmations designed to pull in the moon energy whenever you need an extra boost. Each month, you’ll get a new channeled affirmation based on your zodiac sign’s unique strengths and growth areas.

Live Zoom Breakout rooms

online accountability groups on Zoom

Manifest with the Full Moon each month with the Moon Manifestation e-guide. This worksheet will take you through applying the moon’s theme each month to your monthly wishes- all the things you want to bring into your life over the month – as well as all the things you wish to release.

and these magical bonuses

In addition to your spot in class, you’ll also receive a few of my favorite ebooks, videos, and recordings to help further your spiritual education.

The Spirit Library

Your classroom experience comes complete with my Spirit Library, a collection of videos covering everything from angels, spirit guides, energy clearing, and more.


ABC's of Intuition

Learn the A-Z’s of your intuition with one of my best-selling video courses. You’ll get 26 videos to guide you through building strong intuitive skills.

The 5 Clairs

With this video training, you’ll learn all the ways Spirit communicates with us in our earthly realm. You’ll identify which way you receive information and get valuable tips on how to strengthen your abilities.

Angels at Play

This playful video series takes you through angels and their favorite way to pass messages to us– through numbers! You’ll learn how angels use numbers to communicate with us as well as how to decode what each angel number means.

Magic of Space Clearing

Out with the old, in with the new!  My space clearing eBook will take you through what space clearing is, why it’s such a vital part of any spiritual practice, and how you can easily incorporate into your life.

Rainbow Meditation

My Rainbow Meditation will guide you through aligning your seven chakras in a colorful, peaceful experience. Pop this quick meditation in any time you’re in need of peace and grounding.

Meet Your Angels

In this eBook, I’ll introduce you to your powerful heavenly protectors, the archangels. You’ll learn in-depth what each angel’s speciality is, as well as how to call on them for help.

how to read oracle cards

In this bonus video, I’ll teach you what oracle cards are, the difference between oracle and tarot, and how you can quickly learn to use oracle cards in your spiritual practice.

Naughty Spirit Journal

He’s a little bit naughty and all the way magical- He’s Naughty Spirit, and he wants to help you dig through all of your thoughts with this digital journal. (yes, even the ones that might be a bit twisted.)

The doors for the brand-new spirit school are open now

Check out the brand-new Spirit School, including the new group coaching classroom, by saving your spot now.  Choose your sign up options by clicking the button below.

“Jodie’s courses and services have connected my mental health with my physical health and my spirituality. I am learning to love myself and better take care of myself. I’m learning all the ways my mind, body and spirit are my greatest gifts. I am meeting people who are like-minded and equally eager to find the love and joy and light in us all.

What I love most about Jodie’s courses and services is that she is relatable. She teaches and advises from her own life experiences. She generously shares her own struggles because she knows it helps others in theirs. I like that she sets boundaries in her classes, so everyone can feel safe and respected.”

Megan Chase

Class and Retreat Attendee

In a heart beat when you are ready and the timing is right. When you are ready to just be authentically and honestly you from the Dawn of time until the end of days. You will feel supported in every single step. Jodie nurtures every single participant as needed. There was never a shaming moment had. What a relief! I came away much more confident in my own ability to connect through my own personal knowingness and able to release the excruciating fear of rejection or being WRONG. This was perfect for all age groups, from young, to young at heart to the happily seasoned. It was so clear that all of us who attended that we were there for a reason and felt a thread that connected all attendees for lifetime bonds and friendships.

Alisa DePauw

Retreat Attendee

Zana M

I have always believed in an afterlife and believed there are spirits among us. Until I went through Jodie’s Spirit School, I had no idea that not everyone could walk into a room and “feel” the energy.  I certainly didn’t know what to do with the feelings and emotions I took on from other people.  Now, I have the tools to understand how to protect myself from outside energy.  I know that when a little voice tells me I should or shouldn’t do something, I should pay attention.  I know that when I see something out of the corner of my eye, it probably is a loved one popping in to say hello.  I have taken many classes and webinars since Spirit School to further my understanding and gain more insight and tools.  I am doing this for myself; I have no intention of working on mediumship but I feel great comfort in knowing my spirit team is near and that I can call on them as often as I want or need to. The Facebook and Mighty Network community is a great place to ask questions, express doubt or success and becomes yet another tool for self learning.


The class was incredible providing me with Jodie’s jovial attitude, ideas and of course badass support. She doesn’t sugar coat, it’s down and dirty! she adds the magic and you enjoy the ah ha moments!!! I highly recommend.

Karen Olson

Spirit guided me to attend and I put my trust in the process. I had a lot of heavy energy to release and once I was able to do, I felt that the digestive issues I have been having for years were finally healed. Miracles happen here. It’s very powerful.

Kimberly Von Bank

I was shocked, relieved, and felt a sort of freedom and power that I haven’t felt before while working through the processes at the retreat. I was supported by Jodie and so many wonderful women as things started to come up for me. It brings me happy tears to think about what I experienced. Honestly, it was life changing to be in such a magical environment. I would highly recommend this retreat to anyone is “ready” to do the work for the greater good for your mind, body, and soul.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the class start?

Doors are open now!  You’ll get instant access to the videos so you can dive right in.

How do I attend class?

You’ll receive access to the classroom located in the Spirit School space within the Jodie Harvala Mighty Networks community upon signing up.  You’ll have access to your pre-recorded lessons there, as well as your schedule for live Zoom calls and bonus materials.

Can I access the materials at a later date?

You are receiving access to the class and all of its materials, which you can download and save for offline use. Once the course has concluded, you will be able to access the videos inside your classroom portal at your convenience.

My question isn’t listed!

Have a question that isn’t listed? Never fear! Me + my team are here to help. Please reach out to us at Jodie@JodieHarvala.com and we will be happy to answer your question asap!

Meet Jodie Harvala, Fear Disrupter

I’m a forward thinking, spirit loving, space clearing, psychic teacher and coach. I am also the founder of The Spirit School. Walking through my own spirit journey, I went from a fear *based* woman to a Spiritually FearLESS entrepreneur.

I love teaching others how to connect with spirit and also how to experience spirit in the sacred, everyday moments of life. I teach through experience. With each and every class offered, people who participate walk away with their own very real experience with spirit and a fresh perspective regarding the next step on their personal journey here on earth.

I share my tools and ideas to connect with Spirit on a daily basis, creating your own magical experiences day-to-day. When we walk through life with direction from Spirit, we become fearless.

choose your subscription and save your spot now

Spirit School has grown to provide you even more support each month. With the creation of the Spirit School Group Mentoring Classroom, Spirit School students now have the option to add group mentoring each month for extra support. 

To save your spot, choose your path below.


Spirit School

Exclusive spiritual community

Sign up for the original Spirit School and get access to:

  • 6 recorded video lessons
  • Private Mighty Networks community
  • Weekly Monday Meditation Meet-up
  • A new Masterclass each month
  • Journal & Burn portal
  • Live Journal & Burn ritual each month
  • Monthly New Moon group clearing ritual
  • PLUS all your bonuses

Sign up for original Spirit School now for $97/month

Cancel hassle-free anytime through Jodie’s team or the Mighty Networks app.


Spirit School with Group Mentoring

Exclusive spiritual community + monthly group mentoring

Sign up for Spirit School with Group Coaching and get access to:

  • Everything in the original Spirit School
  • Access to the brand-new Spirit School Group Mentoring Classroom where you’ll get two 90-minute group mentoring sessions each month for extra accountability and support.
  • PLUS a private Mighty Networks community, exclusive to Spirit School Group Coaching subscribers.

Sign up for Spirit School with Group Coaching now for $197/month

Cancel hassle-free anytime through Jodie’s team or the Mighty Networks app.

Not sure where you belong?

Mighty Networks, our membership platform, requires our members to join the free Jodie Harvala Mighty Networks community first in order to be able to access additional classes and events. If you’re not sure of your membership status, email us at jodie@jodieharvala.com and we’ll steer you in the right direction.


get the power of the camino de santiago trail

no passport required.

Join me on this sacred path through Spirit Walk, where we can collectively tap into its power and manifest our intentions together.

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