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Moving Through Energy Challenge

Those of you that know me know how much I love my work! 2012 has been a wild ride already and we have only just begun! I am seeing a lot of challenges coming up fast and furious for people and wanted everyone to know I have been in that spot and have worked my way through it with lots of help and support! I wanted to talk a little about that piece of moving through the energy when its so challenging.

Now in my ..ahem… challenging moments I am not the easiest person to be around. ( I know, I know hard to imagine!) I have learned a lot of techniques in my last 5 or more years to work with how I present myself when I am rolling in challenge. Just for fun I put together a little list.

Here are some signs that you are JUST about to breakthrough….

1: You get sick- this was a biggie for me- I was sick for four months one time until I decided not to be

2: Everything around you starts to break- I call this upgrading – appliances- computers- cars- pretty much all the things that bring you convenience and comfort- see the symbology to get out of your comfort zone!

3: Friends and family around you start to think you are “Crazy” or keep pushing you to stay the same as you are

4: Friends start dropping away- TOUGH one for all of us- but sometimes you need to just step away for a while as you grow and give them space to grow too.

5: Your body changes- gain or lose weight- again the deeper I dove into my junk the heavier I became-I see it now as I was really working on protecting myself from being vulnerable – this year I am taking steps to really shift that! Sometimes it’s the opposite- you may really get your body in great shape to show how healthy and strong you are- Body changes mean something is changing

6: You get really angry and SWEAR a lot! I love this one myself- I have a potty mouth at times and a breakthrough gives me permission to go there! I have a friend that we swear on the phone to each other like truckers and love every minute of it- then pull ourselves together to be our professional selves when out in public!

We have many others signs of a breakthrough- as well as lots of catch phrases as we are moving through it- The phrases used to drive me crazy but now that I get why they are said and I use them all the time myself. We joke about them often to each other and add a few colorful words just to fluff them up a bit.

2012 is so much about stepping into our own and working through our shadows. But to do this you may need some support. In fact for all those lone rangers out in the world that think they can do this work by themselves I will tell you in my opinion you cant. Support is needed when looking at all this junk we want to let go of. Again that is my opinion and I have tried the do it myself route and its just plain painful. It can be painful even with support but just knowing others have gone through the fire and have made it out makes a big difference in your journey. You can get this support in so many ways! Think outside the box and follow your gut on how to create that support system. I find that outside sources work best for me. I have taken lots of classes, joined groups, tried things way out of my comfort zone and did a lot of things by myself that were quite challenging. I have also met some wonderful teachers, mentors, friends and lifelong allies through this practice.

You may also want to create a plan. I have 9 wonderful women in a class right now that are doing just that. Some of them were admittedly lost and had no idea where to start. The intentional living class is a perfect place as it gives you a place to start and a place to move. I have another starting up shortly so if you just need a place to start I would suggest that class! Its very powerful and creates a map to where you’re going.

Also don’t forget to have some fun! I will be offering some of my Wonderment Series classes and encourage those who just wanna have fun to come join us!


We shift and move and roll around each day trying to find our way. Lets have some fun together and make this a team effort! Learn the rules of the universe and watch how fast you start to live the life you want and create the amazing results you’re wishing for. It can be done! I am living proof! I have come up with several gatherings that can help support you in many ways! If you feel guided please come join us!

Do you believe in past lives?

I cant say I ever thought a whole lot about them until I started doing all this work! I would have dejavu throughout my whole life and just thought ohhh I must be on track but that’s about all I ever thought of it.

Then I took my first dowsing class and was blown away from a couple different experiences I had. We were learning a bit about the history of Dowsing and I started to have what I would call a panic attack. I had no idea what I was so scared about. The teacher stepped in and took me into a meditation and all of a sudden I was seeing this crazy scene of myself getting burned at the stake! I thought in my head are you fricken serious? What is all this! Then I clearly remember seeing a close friend of mine who just happened to be in class with me and sitting next to me. I saw his eyes and couldn’t get the scene out of my head. He was watching me getting burned at the stake while holding my youngest son from this lifetime! I know its crazy but the image and feelings were so clear.

After we came out of the meditation I was amazed at what I had just witnessed in my head and it was so crystal clear and with tears in my eyes I told my friend about what I saw. He also does a lot of this type of work and got a little choked up as he said that must be why it was so hard for you to bring Keaton into the world this time! It also explained this cool connection that Keaton had with him each time they saw each other.

The best part of the whole experience was the fear was gone. The panic I had been feeling was totally gone and I was able to move on with class with the excitement I started with. It was such a strange thing to witness.

Then we were handed our dowsing rods and I KNEW without a shadow of doubt these dowsing rods had found there way back to me from that lifetime. I KNEW they were mine and was convinced from that moment on I had lived before and I already knew how to use them. The class was just helping me remember the details and ceremony of dowsing.

I am getting geared up for a dowsing class in August or Early fall! Each dowsing class I have ever taught or been involved in has held some amazing past life experiences!

In the mean time if I have raised your curiosity…

This Friday night at the Om Healing Center we will be diving into past lives, karma and some healing techniques I have learned over the last few years that help push through and heal that energy we bring in from past lifetimes to work through.

I will also be holding another group Wonderment Gallery Event next Tuesday the 12th of July starting at 6! Meditation will be on track next week as well!

I had a computer meltdown last week and lost many many emails that were from clients wanting to book dowsings and appointments for readings! PLEASE email me again if you have not heard from me!! I was not able to get back any of the emails as the whole hard drive decided it needed upgrading! J

Go ahead! Break some rules!

This morning I was dowsing for a new friend and we had several giggles as we discovered all the mixed messages she was sending herself in both art work and how she spoke about life. We all have those moments where we know how we would like to be- but our actions don’t always send the same message to the universe.

For her it was some beautiful pictures above her bed in her bedroom. She is single and thinking of bringing in a new partner. Well….. she had one picture that showed two flowers together and gave off a peaceful partnership type energy- and then she had right next to it on the other side of the bed a single flower all alone and actually feeling rather independent and safe.

When I asked her what she wanted we both burst out laughing! BOTH! She wants both- a partner when she feels like it and to be left alone when she feels like it. The next question will be how does it look to be in a relationship with someone that is there when you want them but gives you a ton of freedom to be on your own as well. That goes against a lot of rules that the world sets up for us when we are in a relationship or job or any other type of situation that we try as much as possible to go with the majority because that’s the rules that have been set.

We tend to set rules on how things should look in life, but as an old friend of mine told me the other day…”YOU set the rules to your own life.” I loved that sentence because it made me stop and think- ohh yes- I do set up the rules the expectations and what is working or not working in my life is due to the rules I have set for myself. Through the last few years I have found that when I fight against myself on certain rules I set like having a spic and span house I lose out on the fun I could be having! I am sure I am not the only one that has had that experience more then once.

So this summer, just consider setting that rule book down and taking a breath and having fun for a change instead of setting up so many rules. I give you full permission to HAVE FUN and enjoy this summertime and sunshine! Its all about YOU right? So find things that bring you JOY and watch how much more fun the people are around you. Set the rule that this summer is about fun and joy and going with the flow! Who cares if a rule gets broken? You set it you can break it!

Lets go have some fun shall we!