Go ahead! Break some rules!

This morning I was dowsing for a new friend and we had several giggles as we discovered all the mixed messages she was sending herself in both art work and how she spoke about life. We all have those moments where we know how we would like to be- but our actions don’t always send the same message to the universe.

For her it was some beautiful pictures above her bed in her bedroom. She is single and thinking of bringing in a new partner. Well….. she had one picture that showed two flowers together and gave off a peaceful partnership type energy- and then she had right next to it on the other side of the bed a single flower all alone and actually feeling rather independent and safe.

When I asked her what she wanted we both burst out laughing! BOTH! She wants both- a partner when she feels like it and to be left alone when she feels like it. The next question will be how does it look to be in a relationship with someone that is there when you want them but gives you a ton of freedom to be on your own as well. That goes against a lot of rules that the world sets up for us when we are in a relationship or job or any other type of situation that we try as much as possible to go with the majority because that’s the rules that have been set.

We tend to set rules on how things should look in life, but as an old friend of mine told me the other day…”YOU set the rules to your own life.” I loved that sentence because it made me stop and think- ohh yes- I do set up the rules the expectations and what is working or not working in my life is due to the rules I have set for myself. Through the last few years I have found that when I fight against myself on certain rules I set like having a spic and span house I lose out on the fun I could be having! I am sure I am not the only one that has had that experience more then once.

So this summer, just consider setting that rule book down and taking a breath and having fun for a change instead of setting up so many rules. I give you full permission to HAVE FUN and enjoy this summertime and sunshine! Its all about YOU right? So find things that bring you JOY and watch how much more fun the people are around you. Set the rule that this summer is about fun and joy and going with the flow! Who cares if a rule gets broken? You set it you can break it!

Lets go have some fun shall we!


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