Fear Stops us in Our Tracks

Fear- stops us in our tracks at times doesn’t it? More on that in just a minute.

Many of you know I was just in Arizona for a week and on a few adventures. I had a blast in Sedona, hiking, sightseeing, four- wheeling, and all those fun things we do on vacation. I also had some very spiritual experiences.

One of them was spending some one on one time with one of my mentors. The night before we were scheduled to spend time together I was able to stay at her retreat center. I was staying alone and that normally does make me a bit nervous in new places. When I walked in I thought oh this feels so safe and nice. I will be just fine tonight!

We did a class on medium ship that I enjoyed a lot. A thought in the back of my head was I hope all these spirits go home tonight so I can get some sleep! Now some of you know that Sunny lives next door to her healing center and before the last person left I made sure I knew what house she was in. Just for safety sake. ( Ya right)

I went to bed and read for a while and was very tired from my travels. So I figured I would sleep well just from the traveling. A few minutes after the lights were out I started to hear things. I heard a noise like someone throwing sand on the kitchen floor. I heard footsteps. I heard banging noises. All sorts of things. I jumped up and turned on some lights and thought I was just psyching myself out from the class on medium ship. I called in my angels and guides and said a few prayers and told myself I was fine and being silly.

Another half hour or so later the noises were getting louder and I was more scared then I have been in a VERY long time. In one moment the light in the kitchen went out at the same time the sand was being thrown across the floor and the air conditioner made a huge noise and shut off.

I grabbed my pillow and was out the door in about 17 seconds on my way over to Sunny’s. Saying all the way I was not going to wake her up- I was not going to wake her up- I can’t believe I am waking her up at 2AM in the morning! As my hand hit the doorbell I heard the horrid sound of dogs barking and waking up the whole house! (MORTIFIED was a weak word that I could use to describe how I felt in that moment) Her sweet hubby answered the door and asked what was going on- The tears started and I mean BIG tears and ugly cry! I said the house was wild and there was no way I was sleeping in it and I kept hearing shit and the lights went out etc etc- Sunny had come down by then and turned to grab a robe and walk me back over to the house. I was not very happy having to go back in to that space. I think I told her so too! Still ugly crying going on!

We went in the house and she turned on the lights and asked what I was feeling- Total FEAR I said. She asked when I was dowsing houses if I was scared and I said no but that was during the day. I would never dowse a home at night. (Clues to lead us to the point of being woke up at night) We talked for a good ten minutes before it finally came together how scared I was of the dark. The night. The unknown. Being alone with my own fears that seem to come up at night. And being totally alone in a big house that I was not able to see all the rooms triggered this huge reaction. The hotel I had been staying in was ok. At home was ok but I put together the next day that at times when Eli is gone I will have these moments of fear at night but one of the kids would usually wake up or something would distract me. That night I had no distraction and spirit was making a point! Her center has NEVER had any type of negative energy inside the walls. But that night my own fears were so strong they actually created physical manifestations that I could hear- feel and see for myself- proving to me that scary things existed and also that they show up in the quiet times of being alone. How powerful to find that I actually created such a huge experience for myself. It was amazing. It became the learning of light and dark for me. It was a HUGE awareness of what had been holding me back. I have in my plans to grow my business and to do that I will have to work with spirit on an even deeper level and I had some underground fears about that and I didn’t even know it! Since that night I have had a very noticeable shift in the nighttime. At this moment I am in my basement late at night and not afraid of it at all- Normally I would not spend time down here after dark. I think that is so strange I never put that together and what a changes its made since I have put some big pieces together for myself. Amazing!

Many of you have fears, what did that story bring up for you? I would love to hear the reactions!

I feel my point in sharing this is everyone has fears of something. I have not met a person yet that doesn’t have some fear about something. It’s the human experience we are having. The trick is to find what they are about take the responsibility of allowing them to come in and find a way to move through it. This was a personal story that some may question why I would share such a weak moment. The truth is now that it’s done it’s a hysterical story to share! As you will read in my tag line I create dramatic experiences with powerful results and this story says that without question! I learn by experience I just need to be a bit more aware of those experiences be a little more light hearted! We learn and we live. See the rainbow of life and keep the colors flowing is the lesson I learned the dark doesn’t mean I need to fear it I just need to light it up!


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