Valley Today: Interview

Another fun interview with the Valley crew, where we talk about spirits, intuition and more! Watch the video by clicking the links below: Watch Part 1 Watch Part 2 Watch Part 3 Watch Part 4 Watch Part 5

North Dakota Today: ABC’s of Intuition

It may start out as a subtle, quiet feeling you get in your stomach but the more you get in tune with yourself, the more you can come to depend on your intuition to lead the way. Jodie Harvala teaches us the ABC’s of intuition. Click here to watch the full...

North Dakota Today: Prosperity and Energy

When we hear the word prosperity we often think it pertains to having lots of money– but prosperity can also be used to bring positive energy into your life. Jodie Harvala tells us how the energy of prosperity can help you move mountains. Click here to view the...

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