Connect with your luminous spirit

Journey through the lunar cycle and discover which moon phase is your spiritual ally. With this brand-new quiz from Jodie Harvala, you’ll have the chance to unlock the mysteries of your lunar side.

There's a bit of Moon Magic inside all of us.

The Moon is one of the most powerful forces in our sky, and much like us humans, it has personalities as changeable as the tides it influences. From the visionary New Moon, full of hope and new beginnings, to the introspective and releasing Balsamic Moon, each phase brings a unique character to the Moon. And just like we feel the effects of the Moon in our everyday lives- through heightened intuition, enhanced creativity, or deep introspection, we all have a little bit of the Moon in our personalities as well.  That’s why I created this fun new quiz – to help connect you to your luminous lunar side by discovering which phase of the Moon resonates with your soul. Ready to find out? Click “Start Quiz” below.

behold the magic of the



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