The Answers within…..

The answers within- this is a card from my new deck of oracle cards! Soon to be available on my website but you can email me directly to get your own set right now .

The Answers within- each time we come up against a roadblock or a place where we just dont know where to go or what to do next we tend to start looking outside of ourselves for the answers. We as for ideas, opinions, direction, insight. Any thing we can do to make ourselves feel like we are searching for the answer. What I have learned and observed with so many clients is the answers typically are within. They may need some guidance about getting those answers out or maybe a little help with being honest about what the real answer is but almost always the answer is within. So today before you grab the phone or head to facebook or seek out the answer from someone else. Sit quite, take a breathe, empty your mind, even grab a pen or pencil and some paper and just write out what needs to be said from within. Find the answers within your own self. See what magic comes from this practice.



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Spirit school 2024 is open!

Here’s your chance to say yes to your spiritual adventure. The doors are open and magic awaits you.

Are you coming? 🙂


doors are open now

​Here’s your chance to say yes to your spiritual adventure. The doors are open and magic awaits you.

Are you coming?🙂🥰



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