Bad Ass Clearing

When the husband is away mama will play!

• Does your home need a bad ass clearing in a bad way?
• Does your home have that creepy basement feel?
• Do you feel like someone is watching you even though nobody is home?
• When you get home from work do you immediately hit the couch even though you had been motivated to get some things done on the way home from work
• Restless sleep?
• Things flying off the wall or doors banging or lights flashing or even electronics turning on and off?
• Animals feeling off or scared?
• Health issues that your body could use support in the healing process?
• Has someone passed away either in your home or in a place of grief that seems to hold you down?
• Huge life transitions?
• Feeling like your keep getting backed up against a wall even though you are doing “all the right things”
• Does your home feel dark or depressed or even haunted?
• Do you have some big shoes you want to step into this year?
• Are you expanding or growing your business?
• Are you looking or a new partner or have just gone through a divorce?
• Are you trying to sell your home?
• Do you have piles and piles of “Stuff” that needs to get cleared out?

All of these are great reasons to get a clearing done on your home or business.  In the past 7 years I have witnessed some pretty incredible shifts after a home or business has been cleared of the old stale stagnant energy and emotions that in a way hold the family back.

We walk through life picking up all sorts of energy from others and where do we bring it? We bring it home with us. Our kids even pick things up through school or activities. We are all energy and being a spiritual being in a human body can cause a little havoc at times.

I believe that clearing a space can open doors to not only healing but also to opportunities and begin the process of finding the you that you have been looking for!

Our homes and businesses are here to support us but at times we need to get that energy raised so they may do the job correctly.

If any of these statements ring true then you may want to consider a bad ass clearing J  ( I just like saying that although I will own I am a bad ass clearer – its my new affirmation I decided on for my birthday J )

If you feel guided please contact me below as this next week the hubby is away to the wife may play J  this means evening appointments too!

The first 10 to contact me will get a birthday price of $225 for the clearing – this can be remote or in person –  If you are not in the Fargo area then I will charge for travel or you can simply set the appointment and send me a simple sketch of your home.

Don’t hesitate as these spots fill quickly each time I run this price!



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