From spiritual skeptic to mystical mentor

I haven’t always embraced my innate abilities. I always knew that I felt different, having a heightened sensitivity to the energy around me and the people I encountered. However, during my earlier years, I suppressed my intuition. I pursued a career in radio sales and executive recruitment, thinking that this was my path in life.

But as it turns out, the Universe had different plans for me.

hi, I’m jodie harvala

I am proof that anyone can learn to develop and strengthen their intuitive abilities.

After heeding the countless messages from the Universe, I embarked on a transformative journey to unlock and refine my psychic and empathic abilities. Today, not only do I apply these talents to my own everyday life, seeking guidance on crucial decisions and connecting with departed loved ones, but I am also wholeheartedly committed to empowering others to do the same.

With my numerous courses, private coaching and group mentorship programs, I have successfully taught people how to develop, strengthen and, most important, trust their intuition in their daily lives.

Can you really learn to develop + grow your intuition?

Can you really learn to develop and grow your intuition? You betcha! While every spiritual journey is unique, I have discovered that certain foundational values remain true regardless of your experience level or whether you believe you were born with a spiritual gift (spoiler alert – you were! We all were.) With me by your side, we will work together to construct a sturdy foundation rooted in these values and cultivate an unwavering trust in Spirit, the Universe, and most importantly, yourself. Join me as we delve into various aspects, exploring and expanding our understanding together, including…

trust in your intuition

You’ll learn how to tell when it’s truly your intuition speaking to you vs. “wishful-thinking”

energy maintenance
You’ll learn how to your space, mind and body of negative energy that can bog you down, spiritually, psychically, emotionally AND physically.
communicating with spirit

You’ll learn how to “tune in” to the many messages that your Spirit team sends to you and never miss a message again

Community and belonging

You’ll learn the importance of having the support and connection of people who truly understand your journey

the power of meditation

You’ll learn how to use meditation as a routine practice to restore health, boost happiness and open up your mind

self-care for success

You’ll learn how to ease the guilt of taking time for yourself and putting your health and well-being as top priority

Discover the depth of your spirit and uncover hidden treasures within.

let's make some magic...together!

learn more about how you can get supported on your spiritual journey

free quiz

Find your spiritual starting point with this free quiz.


Explore a collection of my favorite free spiritual tools.

clear your energy

Learn how to maintain your energy with a remoete energy clearing.

get support + connection

Learn how spiritual mentoring can be a powerful addition to your spiritual journey.

need some guidance finding your way?

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