Unleash your inner magic
Looking for a fun way to add more magic into your life while learning a bit about Spirit (and yourself!) in the process? Well then, you’re in the perfect place! My fantastic collection of freebies will help you explore your Spiritual side and introduce you to my community of badass magic-makers too.

Discover your moon phase now
click here to take the free moon quiz
what phase of the moon are you?
The Moon’s ever-changing phases, from the hopeful New Moon to the introspective Balsamic Moon, bring unique characteristics that influence our lives. Just as we experience heightened intuition and enhanced creativity, we also possess a lunar side within us. Discover yours with this fun new quiz.
explore your spiritual starting point now
click here to take the free quiz
what’s your spiritual starting point?
Everyone arrives here at their own starting point with their own unique goals.
Whatever stage you’re at on your journey, there’s a perfect place for you to receive the support and guidance that best fits you. To help you find yours, I’ve created this 10-question quiz. Answer honestly – and be real with yourself – and you’ll get your perfect starting point.
explore your naughty side now
click here to take the free quiz
what kind of naughty spirit are you?
Well well well… it looks like someone has been both nice AND naughty this year. But don’t worry. Being Naughty isn’t a bad thing around here, and it definitely won’t condemn you to a stack of coal under your tree. It’s how you live your life confidently, boldly, unapologetically YOU.
Want to find out what your Naughty superpower is? Take the Naughty Spirit quiz and find out!
explore your empathic nature now
click here to take the free quiz
are you an empath?
Have you ever wondered why certain environments or interactions leave you feeling overwhelmed?
Or why you seem to connect deeply with others, feeling emotions that aren’t your own?
It’s time to unravel the mystery of your inner emotional landscape.
Introducing the “Are You an Empath?” quiz. Discover if you belong to a unique group of individuals who experience the world in an extraordinarily empathetic way. Take this free quiz and embark on a journey of self-discovery that might just change the way you see yourself and the world around you.
add some magic to your home
click here to get your free copy
spiritual simmer pot
Bring on the magic with my Spiritual Stovetop guide.
Spiritual simmer pots are one of the best ways to clear the energy and bring on the good vibes in your home. With just a few ingredients that can be found in most kitchens (or a quick trip to Walmart!), this free guide will turn you into a kitchen witch in no time. You’ll learn how to create your perfect custom blend for the results you desire.
learn how to manifest with the moon
click here to get your free copy
moon phase guide
Learn how to time your manifesting with the Moon
– for FREE! With my free Moon Phase Guide, you’ll learn how to use the moon for magical results in your life, including:
- Letting go of old baggage and issues
- Practicing self-care and getting extra rest
- Creativity and bringing things to life
- Looking inward and self-reflection
- Utilizing extra energy and motivation
meet your angel team now
click here to get your free angel bundle
meet your angels
With this free bundle you’ll get: