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free quizzes

Are you an empath?
Have you ever wondered why certain environments or interactions leave you feeling overwhelmed?
Or why you seem to connect deeply with others, feeling emotions that aren’t your own?
It’s time to unravel the mystery of your inner emotional landscape with the “Are You an Empath” Quiz.

What's your spiritual starting point?
Everyone arrives here at their own starting point with their own unique goals. Whatever stage you’re at on your journey, there’s a perfect place for you to receive the support and guidance that best fits you. To help you find yours, I’ve created this 10-question quiz. Answer honestly – and be real with yourself – and you’ll get your perfect starting point.

What kind of naughty spirit are you?
Uh-oh! It looks like you’ve landed yourself on the Naughty list. But don’t worry. Being Naughty isn’t a bad thing around here 😉 After all, we find nothing wrong with living your life confidently, boldly, unapologetically YOU. THAT is your Naughty side, my friend, and it can be one of your strongest superpowers. Wanna find out your Naughty Spirit superpower? Take this quiz now!

What phase of the moon are you?
From the visionary New Moon, full of hope and new beginnings, to the introspective and releasing Balsamic Moon, each phase brings a unique character to the Moon. And just like we feel the effects of the Moon in our everyday lives-we all have a little bit of the Moon in our personalities as well. Find your luminous lunar side by taking the quiz now.
in just 15 minutes
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Free energy clearing video
Experience the power of energy clearing from the comfort of your home with this free video clearing from Jodie Harvala. Enter your info below for instant access.